Gemotros - the Creatures
The Stolen Heart
The Arachna-vire or local name Wendy is the mother wavire, a colossal ruby Gemotro spider. This creature with a gritty black exoskeleton is almost impenetrable.
Her fangs could produce a green tinted mucus that contained an ultra-sticky adhesive, which acted like glue, trapping any small creatures.
After she attacked the Banderian village, her amazing eyesight was cursed with pure blindness by Peroa, the god of life in rot: 54 era: 1st.
She then retreated back to her cave in the mountain, blind, nobody knows if she ever made it back to her cave but people believe that she has died. Prior to her disappearing, she laid thousands of eggs in her cave, which later hatched, producing the thousands of Wavires that now infest the Crimson forest.
Winston introduces the lore surrounding Wendy to Lustre at the White Plains Cottage.
The Temple
An interesting Gemotro, no nation has a claim. Bellowers were were first discovered in rot: 244 era: 2nd. nobody knows what they truly look like, but they’re pictured as a dark, ghost-like figure, wearing a dull cloak. They transform their appearance into something that the victim desires to lure them into a close enough rage to devour.
A transformation such as a dead carcass to entice stephadors, or a pile of gold to entice explorers, or even another person to entice somebody who is lost. It’s truly a genius method. nobody knows much else about them.
Some people even doubt whether they exist. Perhaps it is just an old folk tale to scare children of the Irindorian village not to wander off alone.
The Tournament
The Chapidodia is a giant hexapus, an extinct Sapphire Gemotro that inhabited the waters off coast of Sapphire nation from rot: 330 era: 1st to rot: 5 era: 4th.
Her giant corpse still lies of the Beach of Neil, off which, some would say “for the rest of her time and ours”.
Ruby Lore
Egunis, local name thorn fish, is a ruby Gemotro, it is similar to a small plesiosaur with a barracudina head.
This fish is very difficult to tame, only a few people throughout history have managed to tame it, they hunt larger fish, such as the carcass of sphyraena and saxumiaturpis. If you found a carcass floating on the surface of the water, you would usually see a school of egunis around it.
These fish were first discovered in rot: 70 era: 1st a school was sighted off the coast the White plains near Crimson bay. They were aggressive to the neighbouring fishing kayaks at first, but the tradesmen and fisherman began to tame and use them to travel across water at very high speeds. the Egunis can travel at 30 mph through the water, they can also dive down up to 200 metres. the first one was tamed during the same octave by a ruby fishermen whose boat was capsized by an Egunis which thought the boat was an animal carcass.
The Stolen Heart
Ferinthor are large horses from the fields of Gondor in the topaz Nation, a topaz Gemotro. They are an unique bread of horse in with a mane of fire that scares of predators when threatened.
These creatures were the cavalry for topaz soldiers during the first Ruby war, they can reach speeds up to 50 kph, making them very good for land combat. The horse flames, although not hot are bright. The flames do not appear until the Ferinthor has reached the peak of its life, about 2 rots after fully matured. So topaz soldiers need to tame their horse relatively young to avoid difficulties in training.
Horses of the herd, herbivores that eat grass of the plains, a normal lifespan for a horse life 10 – 20 rots. The Ferinthor horse story was told to Lustre by Winston, explaining how the Topaz army under Emperor Irindor defeated Cranium using them for mounted calvary charge during the first Ruby war.
The Stolen Heart
Grombler is an strong aggressive ruby Gemotro, with a strong stench. Its not unusual to smell Grombler tracks days after. Hence they are relatively easy to track, by why would you. A massive jaw, strong grip and razor sharp teeth.
Gromblers, come in a variety of species, most common are those that infest the Bandeiran forest. Their skin is tough and is an excellent source of leather for the locals. The leather is waterproof and can be easily fashioned into gloves, coats, boots or even tents for the ruby mines. They are also a good source of meat in stews, if one could actually manage to kill one and have a good recipe took cook the tough meat.
Gromblers tend to have a fondness for exploring caves and rocky terrain, it is not uncommon to unearth Grombler fossils underground. Their origins are unknown.
The Temple
A very large water dwelling carnivore, species mosa-gaclaga.
Possibly first species of Gemotro, first emerged rot: 0 era: 1st.
The herpeta-mosa had teeth the size of daggers and a body length of 90 feet. His incredible jaw could crush boulders and could swim up to 40kph. Locals call it a Jabber. Very sharp teeth and powerful jaws, similar to a crocodile.
Its unknown whether the herpeta-mosa is dead or alive, or if it still hunts the lake of Grandor, Emerald nation. Winston would know!
Muzzle Myers
The Stolen Heart
Muzzle Myers or the Root Walkers, are herbivores which are crtically endangered. They dwell in Crimson forest and Dalenia in the northern Areden forest. First emerged rot: 1 era: 1st. These tree-like humanoids are topaz Gemotros.
in a bid for survival, these creatures have undergone a stark transformation over the course of several eras, developing toughened skin that can endure the piercing strikes of arrows and crossbow bolts. they have also learned to fashion rudimentary weapons like sharpened sticks and torches, fiercely defending their dwindling numbers. Today, a mere hundred of these enigmatic beings remain across Gemotroplis, their existence hanging in precarious balance. Sadly muzzle myers would eventually go extinct at the beginning of the second Ruby war in rot: 422 era: 3rd.
Hostile only when provoked or scared.
Blood Orchids
This mysterious Gemotro is a giant eagle-like creature that was created in rot: 60 era: 1st by Peroa. Her only sighting was in during this era.
Nothing else is none about her.
Some say she remains nesting in the Bandeiran mountains
The Stolen Heart
Pelata or breed Pelor is a non-hostile herbivore whose diet consists of Banderian Bush weeds. An endangered species, basically a very large centipede.
Naturally camouflaged they are hard to spot amongst the Banderian forest. A few of these Gemotros have event been spotted in Darlenia.
Their true origins of the species are unknown. They have been classified as a ruby Gemotro, however the Sapphire nation disputes this, as ruby spells can easily kill them.
Pelatas were first discovered rot: 34 era: 1st in the early settlements in Galarie (early Bandeira), they were found just after the great reatrit plague that swept throw the Ruby nation. They were seen as horrible beasts to some, but eventually the ruby folk discovered their purpose. The creatures can be domestic and are brilliant at carrying cargo and pulling carriages. Each towing the equivalent of 30 horses. In around rot: 100 era: 1st. their numbers declined by an unknown cause. Only a few thousand remain. They are valuable and sell for around six thousand rubies a per pelata.
Introduced – The Stolen Heart
Topaz lore
The fearsome Redemptias, topaz Gemotro is a formidable creature indigenous to the treacherous waters of the Neilan sea. sporting a reptilian appearance akin to a gigantic gecko, this species, ominously labelled as ruby, is a true apex predator. with a substantial population of 6,700 individuals.
Their numbers are and steadily increasing, they wield a set of natural weapons that includes formidable teeth, claws, a potent bite, and venomous capabilities. Although lacking any supernatural spells or curses, Redemptias remains a formidable presence in its habitat, with a highly aggressive disposition that renders it highly hostile to any who dare to venture into its territory.
The Stolen Heart
This small Gemotro is horrible and scrawny exists in all nations can enter plague proportions. Similar to giant rats, with yellow hairs and sometimes porcupine spines, these creatures are super aggressive, they’re scavengers that scamper around. They usually live in dark damp places, but also love foliage and shrubbery. Reatrits are a true pest nibbling on furniture, paper, food scaps.
During the 2nd era, thousands of these creatures swept across the Sapphire nation in a stampede, terrorising villages, killing people and spreading disease. Those who got bit, and didn’t die instantly, succumbed to the disease known as yellow hair. This disease slowly kills you over the course of an octave. symptoms include, your hair turning a brights shade of yellow, coughing, vomiting and nausea. The plague was eventually stopped during the battle of Devtark, where the whole stampede was pretty much wiped out by a fleet of wavires.
Sacro Selester
Rubies & Rivals
A flying omnivore, an emerald Gemotro. Population is thriving. First emerged rot: 313 era 3rd.
These giant flying Gemotros are very similar looking to the ferocious cousin the Sacro Slither, looks without the many teeth, these creatures are much calmer and tamer. These flying giant snakes have the same rough, scaly body. Some Emerald nationers have domesticated them for flight. Like the Slither they originate from the Emerald nation but migrate north – east for bloom. The Sacro Selester is much slower than the Sacro Slither.
Sacro Selesters are also born from eggs, laid in the carcass of their prey. A population now exists in the Crimson Forest, Ruby nation. These particular snakes have has evolved to eat plants. Ruby folk are not sure if the Selester and Sacro come from the same origins.
If one could tame, saddle and ride one, it is very useful for field of cartography.
Sacro Slithers
The Stolen Heart
A flying carnivore, an emerald Gemotro. Population is thriving. First emerged rot: 78 era 1st.
These Gemotros are flying giant snakes with a rough, scaly body. They originate from the Emerald nation but migrate east for bloom. They pillage villages and scoop their prey up from the ground. They are the 3rd fastest flying Gemotro in Gemotroplis. Just behind the Terrortor, and faster than the Sacro Selester. They are capable of reaching speeds of 130 mph.
Sacro slithers are born from eggs, laid in the carcass of their prey. The carcass gives the sacro-slithers in instant supply of nutrients and food once hatched, then the mother leaves them to grow and learn to fly on their own.
These beasts are considered a pest in the Emerald nation, because of how common and dangerous they are.
Introduced – The Stolen Heart
Sapphire Lore
Large, winged horses from the fields of Gorlith, a sapphire Gemotro.
Horses of the herd with no special abilities other than flight. Herbivores that eat grass of the plains that can live an extremely long life to the age of 200 rots.
Savanta feathers were poached and harvested to produce the muzzle mud. Muzzle mud is impossible to make without at least 1 feather in each bottle. This is why it is such a rare potion. the Sapphire king had already used one entire wing of feathers to produce the amount of muzzle mud currently. Savata and its prized feathers and muzzle myers would eventually be extinct at the birth of the era: 4th.
Rubies & Rivals
Stephadors are very large tigers, and unlike a tiger as they’ are the size of a hippopotamus and hunt in packs. The creatures are flaming aggressive from the forests of Areden. Local names include Manes. Carnivores similar in species to trio-septeria, with in deadly speed, size, fangs and incredible instincts, everything you don’t want to encounter.
These are magical Topaz Gemotros that can also breathe fire, first emerged rot: 1 era: 1st.
Peroa created these creatures by accident, she was attempting to create the trio-septeria (the guardian) but ended up creating one stephador instead. This creature reproduced rapidly as was asexual. The vast majority of these beasts fortunately hunt only in the Areden forests, where there are lots of smaller and weaker creatures to feed on. It is ironic these creatures prefer to dwell in the forest, nearly all creatures are weaker than this Gemotro.
The population started to decrease after the second ruby war when gunpowder was invented. At the dawn of the 4th era, there was only a few thousand in the wild. They also are pretty much impossible to tame.
Ruby Lore
Sphyraena or local name Bloaters are omnivore (sea grass and plankton). They have been hunted by ruby fisherman for decades and are now near extinction, as these passive ruby Gemotros, very large and similar to a blue whale, but not a mammal with four fins on its body.
These are large and passive creatures. They hunt in packs of three, occasionally opening their jaw to feed on plankton. they have a max depth of 2.5km and can only move up to speeds of 10kph. But younger and smaller sphyraena can swim faster at 25mph. they can’t be captured but some have been tamed.
They come up to the surface to breath every 6 hours. most migrate up to the Forbidden Ocean to lay their eggs in colder and deeper waters. Only very few make it. Ruby fishermen for decades, they spear them when they come up to lay their eggs and extract the rich liquid that is found beneath their skin. it is used to create gone gazz.
Topaz Lore
Saxumiaturpis, local name boulder sharks, is a topaz Gemotro, a large hostile carnivore, razor teeth and a muscular tail. Picture a tiger shark crossed with a humpback whale.
This creature had been one of the biggest predators of ocean history, they hunt individually in the eastern ocean. (Forbidden Ocean and Emerald Channel) they have teeth the shape and size of a spear, and skin that is very rough and scaly.
They use large tusks to ram into the prey, knocking them unconscious before devouring them. They are a common fear for fishermen and sailors that travel out into colder and deeper waters.
They can swim up to 25mph and dive up to 2 miles deep. which is considered the max depth of the known ocean around Gemotroplis.
Nobody has successfully captured or tamed one of these terrible creatures. but usual sight is seeing carcasses washed up onto the shore of aza-reni.
Turtur Anguilla
Topaz Lore
Turtur Anguilla, is a topaz Gemotro, a large sea turtle about the size of a small whale.
It lives the shallower waters of the Sapphire Ocean and Topaz Sea, a herbivore hunting for seaweed and kelp as its main source of food. They were mounted and tamed by the early topaz folk in Irindor. during rot: 50 – 58 era: 1st. They can travel speeds up to 45kph through water and can dive up to 150 metres below depth for eating kelp, but they prefer shallower and hotter waters.
The Tournament
A terrortor or local name Blue Blurs is flying sapphire Gemotro shaped like a medium sized dragon. An omnivore (small Gemotros and fruit). Population of around six thousand, but stable sometimes increasing. Natural weapons are their attributes of flight speed, claws and teeth. First emerged rot: 1 era: 1st.
Terrortors are deemed the fasted flying Gemotro, they can reach tremendous speeds. Only one person has managed to tame and ride one at these incredible creatures and that’s King Taylor from rot: 310 era: 1st till the terrortors’ death in rot: 327 era: 1st. They have a life span of roughly 20 to 25 rots.
Hostile only when provoked or scared.
Trio - Septeria
The Temple
The trio-septeria, known colloquially as fangs, is a mystical 3- headed tiger guardian that dwells within the sacred precincts of the Gemotronian temple. Peroa, guided by Daradero’s request, bestowed life upon this enigmatic creature rot: 1st era: 1st.
This Gemotro is bound by an ancient curse, it remained confined within the temple’s sacred boundaries, awaiting its eventual release at the hands of Daradero. Its story reaches its culmination during the era: 4th when Lustre, driven by destiny and daring, slayed the guardian in pursuit of a greater power—unveiling the complexities of the Gemotronian tapestry.
Blood Orchids
Local name is a Stalker or Watcher, a large hostile humanoid, a meat eater, population is estimated only in the few hundred. They generally bite with teeth and claw with long fingernails. First emerged rot 20: era 1st.
This Gemotro dwells in the Obsidian Forest and can use magic: enticing/illusion spells.
Nothing is further known about these creatures or their origins. The only thing that we know is that they stalk their prey, and hunt alone in the forest.
The Stolen Heart
The wavire is a beastly creature, ruby Gemotro that can also hunt in packs 2-5 within the Crimson forest. They’re very mobile and can run up to 40mph. Food sources include small animals, such as reatrits and the odd traveller.
Born in the mountains of southern Banderia, from the arachna-vire (the mother wavire – Wendy), they all travelled up north for darker places, before settling in the Crimson forest, a stable source of food, and protection. The first wavire was found in the Crimson forest in rot: 73 era: 1st.
The ruby king (king Finch) thought these creatures were a symbol of the Ruby nation, as they were fierce, terrifying and were growing rapidly in population. He decided to name his heir after these Gemotros and make them the flag of the Ruby nation.
Wavires create burrows in the soil of the Crimson forest, they maw at the ground, digging a stump-sized hole in the ground, then spew their horrible green mucus around to create a trap. Camouflaged by needle like hairs over their bodies, they can jump small animals. Sometime prey step in their mucus and are trapped as it acts like glue. Down within the burrow is a massive space, dug out for them to lay their horrible eggs, the hatchlings would crawl out of the burrow and repeat the process all over again.
The Crimson forest is just a layer of soil, sitting precariously over a giant mazework of nests and burrows beneath the ground. Beware blood, fire or urine may attract Wavires!