Plants Potions & Artifacts

Aztel Ferns
The Stolen Heart
These troublesome weeds have plagued Gemotros and others in the Emerald Forest for hundreds of years. They can thrive in nearly any condition, including various temperatures and humidity levels. The plants grow and spread at an astonishing rate. With their deep, interconnecting root systems, they greedily absorb water and nutrients from the surrounding soil, leaving nothing for nearby trees and other plants within a radius of about ten feet. The only positive aspect is that they are edible, although they have a taste reminiscent of muddy cabbage.

Bandeira Nettle
The Stolen Heart
The Bandeira nettle, named after its origin in the land of Bandeira, is a troublesome botanical pest found throughout Gemotronia. Within the lush realms of Azareni, the Emerald folk have aptly nicknamed it the “Azareni devils.” In the hunting grounds of Bandeira, such as the Crimson Forest and Jackale, it is known as “Emerald Pricks” or “Banderia Bush Weed.”
However, the primary source of animosity toward this plant lies in the multitude of tiny thorns on its leaves. These thorns contain a potent arsenal of toxins and chemicals that can cause excruciating irritation and pain when they puncture human skin. While the poison from the Bandeira nettle is not fatal to humans, it can be lethal to many of the forest’s smaller rodent inhabitants, highlighting the complex interactions within Gemotronia’s ecosystems. Interestingly, it is also useful in baiting reatrits. its eradication an arduous task. Compounding the challenge, it disperses minuscule, spore-like seeds with an unrivalled efficiency, akin to the insidious spread of blood orchids, albeit devoid of their aesthetic appeal.
Yet, the true source of animosity toward this plant lies in the countless tiny thorns that adorn its leaves. These thorns harbour a potent arsenal of toxins and chemicals. When they puncture human skin, they induce excruciating irritation and pain. While the Bandeiran nettle’s poison is not fatal to humans, it serves as a death knell for many of the forest’s smaller rodent inhabitants, a morbid twist in the intricate dance of life within Gemotronia’s ecosystems. Useful in baiting reatrits.

Blood Orchids
Blood Orchids
A Blood Orchid, also known as Crimson Bloom, is considered a weed by some. These flowers are found in the Crimson Forest, where they typically grow in patches and prefer damp, dark environments. Blood Orchids do not thrive in extremely cold or hot temperatures. They are well-known among the Ruby Nation, and it was not discovered until the Rot: 230: Era 1st that these flowers could be used to disinfect wounds when brewed correctly. The recipe was kept secret amongst brewers. Potentially life-saving information, if only Derek knew Winston’s recipe. Another interesting fact about Blood Orchids is that they release a puff of glowing spores, creating a blue light every few nights to aid in spreading their seeds. Naturally, they tend to grow in small clusters. Their bright, attractive colours make them easy to spot in a dark forest. These flowers are favourites of Lustre’s lost mother. The blood orchid’s pollen dust is flammable and glows bright blue when burnt, it’s known as “Crimson Bloom”. It runs some lanterns for a brighter light. Really a very useful plant. Beautiful but on the nose.
Derek had read many books on plants from the Royal Library, unfortunately, he read no books on the Blood Orchid.

Crimson Berries
The Stolen Heart
In the rich tapestry of Gemotronian history, the tale of Crimson cider stands as a testament to both discovery and treachery. This delectable elixir traces its origins back to the early days of the realm, when rot: 34, era: 1st witnessed the discovery of Crimson Berries within the heart of the Crimson forest.
Mere cycles later, the enigmatic recipe for Crimson cider came into existence. The identity of its creator remains shrouded in mystery, but the earliest known sample of this exquisite beverage was unearthed amidst the ruins of a hut, nestled within the now-forgotten town of Red Lake. With the revelation of crimson cider came the ruby King Weldor, who insisted upon safeguarding the recipe as a closely guarded secret, hidden away from the prying eyes of his subjects and neighbouring realms. However, in rot: 39, era: 1st, the winds of fate bore an unexpected
Visitor from the Sapphire nation. This traveller, whose name has been etched in history as Zeldil Haratchi, covertly absconded with the cherished recipe and a sack of Crimson Berries.

Crimson Oil
Rubies & Rivals
Large barrels of Crimson Oil were used by Richard and the Stephador Clan. This oil, derived from the sap of the Crimson Tree, the sap is not flammable on its own. However, when impurities are removed, it becomes extremely flammable.
What many people do not realise is that adding a touch of crushed Crimson Berries enhances the oil. Enhanced Crimson Oil is the most flammable substance in all of Gemotroplis. If ignited, it can explode with twice the destructive power of any known magical spell., making it even more flammable, and a valuable weapon. When exposed to a flame, this mixture will also explode with double the power of any destructive spell.
Haley serviced the locomotive; it ran on Crimson Oil in the Ruby mines as a teenager.

Fluro Flutters
The Stolen Heart
Fluro Flutters grow in direct sunlight and very hot and dry temperatures. The plant doesn’t need much water or soil to grow, they can sometimes start to sprout in tree bark or between the cracks in rocks. They are very useful and gave the Sapphire nation a new form of preservative. They act faster and preserve longer than regular salt, although with a minty taste. The Fluoro Flutters are crushed up in a mortar and pestle, then sprinkled over meat to be preserved in hot temperatures for over 3 octaves. Since most of the Sapphire Nation is inland, and lacked salt far from the ocean, this blue flower became one of the main sources of income for the Sapphire Nation as every nation wanted these flowers for trade.

Golden Devtark Orchid
The Stolen Heart
The Golden Devtark Orchid, or nickname “butter orchid” can be mistaken for a Topaz blossom. It has the same colour, golden pink and glowing abilities. However slightly different in shape and location in which it can be found. It’s prized as it’s used to brew the potion ” gone gazz”, and an ingredient in a Bandeiran bush weed poison. The plant can sell for 40 small rubies or 5 fat rubies a pound.
This rare orchid was first discovered in Rot: 51 era: 1st by King Jackale and his company of knights.

Starlight Echoes
Starlight Echoers went extinct in rot: 20 era: 2nd. During the battle of emidella. Soldiers would find these flowers and eat them to numb their wounds. It made the consumer very drunk, thus making the flowers very popular. They were stated to be extinct at the end of the war, but some claim that there is still some left in Gorlith. This is only a theory though, as the Diamond Nation has refused to make any contact with the rest of Gemotroplis after the poaching of the Savata

Muzzle Mud
The Stolen Heart
Muzzle Mud, a potent dark blue potion, an elixir that seals wounds, knits fractured bones, wards off ailments, and even dispels intoxication and mental turmoil.
First invented in Sapphire nation, rot: 336 era:1st under King Steven the 2nd.
Its ingredients comprise the closely held secrets of brewers, the delicate hairs of a Savata feather, the essence of ripe muzzle berries, and the life-giving main ingredient blue muzzle myer blood. To temper its bitter taste, many choose to blend it with crimson cider, wine, or sugar, a touch of sweetness to mask its otherwise unpleasant flavour. A full secret recipe that Winston would not share with Lustre.
The very practicality that makes muzzle mud indispensable has inadvertently led to the dire plight of the muzzle myers. Over-hunting for their precious blood has pushed them to the brink of extinction. Today, a mere hundred of these enigmatic muzzle myers remain, their existence and the potion’s future hang in a precarious balance.

Gone Gazz
The Stolen Heart
Gone Gazz is a teleportation potion, only reserved for the Ruby army. An alternative to the orange powder is known as Fazz Fire.
Some known ingredients are the rich liquid that is found beneath the skin of a Bloater, and parts of the Butter orchid. Winston would know the full recipe.

King Richard's Wine
Rubies & Rivals
Richard’s Wine, often dubbed as the “invisibility shot,” is a truly extraordinary elixir with the remarkable ability to make anybody invisible upon its imbiber. This mystical potion, though with marvel abilities, does include a fleeting but profound loss of vision and a disorienting sense of nausea when drunk in high doses.
This rare elixir can be traced back to the deep, labyrinthine mines of both Jackale and Irindor, where it lies hidden amidst the mineral riches of the earth. When consumed, Richard’s wine unveils its unique and magical properties. It grants the fortunate drinker the astonishing power of invisibility, rendering them unseen by all for a brief period, approximately thirty seconds.
Remarkably, this elixir is not confined to mere potions; it is a consumable substance, making it all the more exceptional. Though its origins are cloaked in obscurity, its discovery is attributed to none other than King Richard himself. This revelation occurred in rot: 422 era: 3rd, an era renowned for its emergence of enigmatic and potent creations, and an uprising in Royal Ruby Town led by the Stephador Clan.

Emerald Mallet
The legend of the emerald mallet, known as ‘Gorungun Hengi’, unfolds as a remarkable testament to both its power and enigmatic nature. Crafted from a unique piece of history, this battle hammer bears an origin deeply intertwined with the annals of Gemotronia.
To wield the emerald mallet, one must inherit it after the previous owner’s demise. It becomes unclaimed and ownerless upon their death. The next fortunate soul to grasp it becomes the rightful owner, united with its power. Yet, the hammer is not without its enigmatic stipulations. Any attempt by someone other than its owner to wield it results in its shattering after just five strikes.
Crafted for King Mitchell of the Emerald Nation, this hammer served as his emblem of authority during battle. When raised, it emitted a blinding flare of green light, temporarily incapacitating any who gazed upon it except for its owner. The emerald mallet holds a deeper enchantment—a requirement that its wielder be pure of heart as the hammer’s designated owner. If an impure soul attempts to pick up the stray hammer, the handle burns searing hot, causing immense pain. More again, should the owner ever attempt to use the weapon against another who is pure of heart, the hammer shatters before it can strike its target.

Sword of Daradero
This blade was created by Daradero to assassinate Queen Gemotronia.
To this day it remains the powerful weapon that could be wielded by a mortal in Gemotroplis, right after the obsidian axe and emerald mallet.
Lustre was the boy who recovered the shattered sword and convinced his friend who was a professional blacksmith to mend the sword. The sword re-gained purpose when Lustre realised that it was the only weapon ever that could kill a god, and if he became a god, he would be unkillable as he was the one who possessed the sword.
Daradero – history from rot: 210 era: 1st – era: 2nd
Daradero observed that despite his prior concerns, humans did not display the anticipated greed or lust for power upon gaining access to magic. Despite his insistence that magic would corrupt them, it became apparent that humans continued to receive magical abilities even after Gemotronia’s demise. The scattered fragments of Gemotronia’s heart, it seemed still emanated magic, each shard conferring distinct and unique powers to those within its radius.

Obsidian Axe
In the ancient Obsidian nation, during rot: 201 era: 1st, the Obsidian Axe was born, crafted from a colossal chunk of obsidian discovered deep within the obsidian mines, it was meticulously shaped and honed by a skilled obsidian blacksmith. Its true power, however, was unveiled through enchantment by Verneto Havata, empowering it to shatter the mythical demotrite, including the revered sword of Daradero.
Guided by Obsidian Queen Tariea, a valiant company of knights carried the axe to the distant land of Ravena. There, they confronted the Bade of Daradero, encased partially within a basalt rock for countless rots. In a resounding clash, the obsidian axe shattered the blade into six fragments mission accomplished.
Tragedy struck on the return journey through the perilous Areden forest, a fleet of bandits seized the axe, vanishing into obscurity. To this day the identity of the thieves and the axe’s current whereabouts remain a mystery lost in the annals of time.